Prémio atribuído a investigadora do CESEM: Maria Fernandes
Maria Fernandes (Núcleo de Iconografia Musical / CESEM), won the award for best junior communication at the 18th International Conference of Association RIdIM , Canterbury, 9-12 July 2018.
RIdIM – Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale – is one of the most prestigious organizations in the study, cataloging and diffusion of visual sources with music.
At the 18th International Conference of Association RIdIM, Maria Fernandes caught the attention of the Council with her paper entitled Politics and Musical Caricature: The African Colonial Issue in “A Paródia.” We are pleased to announce that Maria Fernandes is the first recipient of the first Award for the Encouragement of Young Scholars.
Maria Fernandes is currently a Master’s student in Musicology, in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (NOVA/FCSH). Her dissertation focuses on musical caricatures, drawn by Rafael and Manuel Gustavo Bordalo Pinheiro, and their political, social and cultural discourses. She is a collaborator and researcher at the Centre for the Study of Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM), integrating the Musical Iconography Group (NIM), where she studies musical iconography. Since 2017, she has been Vice President of Da Capo Portuguese Musical Magazine and, since 2016, she has held a B.A. in Musicology, and a Liturgical Music Course in Organ.