Andrew Woolley – Novo artigo

Artigo sobre música de dança francesa do séc. XVII publicado: Andrew Woolley’s article “From Arrangements to New Compositions: Seventeenth-Century French Dance Music in Portuguese and Spanish Keyboard Sources to 1720” has been published in issue 16/1 of De musica disserenda, the journal of the Institute of Musicology ZRC SAZU (Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian...
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6 Mar 2020

Aula aberta: Serbian Choral Music – A Living Tradition

PROF. DR BOGDAN DJAKOVIĆ Professor da Universidade de Novi Sad e Regente do Coro da Catedral de São Jorge, Novi Sad, Sérvia AULA ABERTA No âmbito da U.C. Prácticas Musicais do Mundo: Prácticas Corais Russas FCSH – Universidade Nova de Lisboa TORRE B, Estúdio 416, Avenida de Berna, 26C, 1069-061 Lisboa 12 de Março, 14:00-16:00
17 Fev 2020

Workshops no LAMCI por Elizabeth Cassidy Parker

Practice Session: I Love Music Because I Love My Voice This session will focus on music interactions that generate positive feelings about students’ singing voices. Activities will center on children ages 5-14. Vocal physiology, changing voices, and vocal health will also be addressed. Elizabeth Cassidy Parker: A specialist in developing healthy and resonant children’s singing...
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17 Fev 2020

Workshops no LAMCI por Elizabeth Cassidy Parker

Qualitative Research in Music: A Closer Look at Five Approaches This session will focus on similarities and differences of common qualitative approaches, including case study, ethnography, narrative inquiry, grounded theory, and phenomenology. Examples of each approach will be highlighted. Methodological and ethical challenges with research subjects will be discussed. Elizabeth Cassidy Parker: A specialist in...
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Chamada Aberta – Residências Artísticas de Investigação OSSO

A OSSO dá início a um programa de Residências Artísticas de Criação e de Investigação em formato de Open Call. Convidamos artistas e investigadores a submeterem as suas propostas para projectos em qualquer área artística ou nos seus cruzamentos. Durante o próximo biénio reforçamos através deste programa o interesse em práticas artísticas transdisciplinares que se...
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Renaissance Canons Project

The Renaissance Canons website is part of a research project developed within the framework of Early Music Departament lessons at Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo (Porto/Portugal). Its goal is to provide an online resource to the students to assist their practise of didactic canons from 16th and 17h centuries through the original sources. The project is incorporated to Centro de Estudos de...
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(NOVO PRAZO) Chamada de apresentações Conferência Internacional: Like, share and subscribe Youtube, music and cyberculture before and after the new decade

In February 14th of 2005, Youtube was founded and grew to become the biggest online platform for video sharing. In these past 15 years, billions of audiovisual contents have been produced, shared, transformed, downloaded and consumed by billions of users worldwide, placing this website as a central hub for their daily lives while browsing the...
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