Cristina Santarelli, formerly lecturer in Medieval and Renaissance Music at the Turin University (1998-2002), is now the President of the Istituto per i Beni Musicali in Piemonte and responsible for its music-iconographical archive. Member of the IMS Study Group on Music Iconography in European Art and of the ICTM Study Group for the Iconography of the Performing Arts (vice-chair from 2014), between 2005 and 2015 she took part as a teacher in summer courses, seminars and masterclasses held at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, the University of Oviedo, the Universidade Nova of Lisbon, the Bibliothèque Nationale de France of Paris and the Università “La Sapienza” of Rome. In 2011 she organized in Turin the Fourth Conference of the IMS Study Group on Music Iconography in European Art (The Courts in Europe: Musical Iconography and Princely Power) and in 2014 the Twelfth Conference of the ICTM Study Group on Iconography of the Performing Arts (Neoclassical Reverberations of Discovering Antiquity). She is a member of the editorial board of the review «Music in Art» (Research Center for Music Iconography, CUNY) and of the editorial series “Studies in Music, Dance and Theatre Iconography” (Wien, Hollizer Wissenschaftsverlag); she also contributes to the RIdIM Database. Her research is focused on twentieth-century visual art and on Savoy court.