IMCC — Itinerant musical composition classes to develop and enhance artistic skills
The evolution of western musical creation since the 2000s requires multiple financial and institutional transnational arrangements, leading to new skill needs: linguistic and multicultural ones. Moreover, with digitalization of design and production processes it has become imperative to deepen other skills in the field of musical composition : adaptation to digital tools, adaptation to national cultural variations. Finally, IMCC aimed to foster learning mobility and employability. We felt the need for a confrontation of pedagogical methods of teaching international musical composition and to find active and current methods to better engage the students in the professional life of a European composer / sound artist. We also perceived a need to disseminate concepts and tools worth being better known (programming software such as Max or Iannix, interface and live performance tools and concepts, reverse pedagogy applied to music composition and sound creation). Moreover, music composition is usually a very solitary task, as well as composition teaching, and we felt the need to explore more collective approach, in a multicultural environement, all these constituted a very important added value.
Université Gustave Eiffel, France | Conservatori Superior de Música “Joaquín Rodrigo” de Valencia, Spain | Ecole Nationale Superieure D’art de Bourges, France I Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Jean-Michael Ponty | Martin Laliberté | Pedro Caselles Mulet