
CESEM is at the forefront of scientific efforts to create digital tools that make music widely accessible to society and the academic community, as reflected in its position on the digital revolution. CESEM’s digital tools – digitisations, databases, academic and musical editions, and other digital resources – strive to comply with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and are governed by CESEM’s digital preservation strategy.

CESEM publishes works in various fields, including historical musicology and cultural heritage, critical theory, philosophy and sociology of music, psychology and music pedagogy, artistic creation, performance practices, musical technologies, and music and media. The authors published are researchers from CESEM (NOVA FCSH, ESML-IPL, ESMAE-P.Porto, UÉvora). Submission of proposals for publication for review by the Editorial Committee must follow the guidelines available here.

CESEM has also been expanding its collections in partnership with national publishers, including Edições Colibri, Edições Húmus, the National Library of Portugal, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Edições Afrontamento, mpmp, among others. CESEM researchers also publish in collaboration with various international publishers, such as Routledge, Brepols, Edition Reichenberg, Bloomsbury, and others.

CESEM publishes two open access academic journals with scientific arbitration: Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia, jointly published with SPIM [Portuguese Society for Research in Music] and INET-md, and Nova Contemporary Music Journal.

CESEM’s library is integrated into Biblioteca Vitorino Magalhães Godinho (BVMG), at the Campolide Campus of NOVA FCSH. BVMG is the most comprehensive musicological resource in the country and has a complete online catalogue. CESEM shares costs with INET-md to provide its researchers with RILM Abstracts of Music Literature and Grove Music Online. All researchers have remote access to online resources following the instructions here.

Musicological Studies Collection
CESEM / Húmus Collection
Other collections

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