Portuguese Journal of Musicology
Editors | editors@rpm-ns.pt
Daniel Moreira (ESMAE/IPP, CEIS20/UC), Jelena Novak (CESEM/NOVA FCSH, IN2PAST), Leonor Losa (CEIS20/UC), Vanda de Sá (CESEM/Pólo Un. Évora, IN2PAST)
Reviews Editors | reviews@rpm-ns.pt
Edward Ayres de Abreu, Elsa De Luca (CESEM/NOVA FCSH, IN2PAST), Tiago Hora (INET-md/NOVA FCSH, ESE/IPP)
Editorial Assistant | rpm@rpm-ns.pt
Luísa Fonte Gomes (CESEM, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Paulo Ferreira de Castro (representante do CESEM), Manuel Deniz Silva (representante do INET-md), José Oliveira Martins (representante da SPIM)
The Portuguese Journal of Musicology (RPM new series) is a peer-reviewed academic journal open to all areas of music research. The RPM is jointly published by the SPIM, Portuguese Society for Music Research, and two research centres based at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal: INET-md, Institute of Ethnomusicology–Centre for Studies in Music and Dance, and CESEM, Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music.
The RPM new series seeks to provide continuity with the journal initially published by the Portuguese Musicological Association. The entire first series, from volume 1 (1991) to volume 14-15 (2004-5), is now available in digitized form at the back issues archive.
The RPM new series is published online twice a year and includes thematic dossiers and major research articles as well as reviews of books, recordings and other media. Portuguese and English are the primary languages, but articles in Spanish, French and Italian are also welcome.
Whenever possible, texts originally in languages other than the Portuguese will also be provided in Portuguese translation, and texts originally in Portuguese will also be given in English translation. These will appear at the end of the table of contents under the heading 'texts in translation'.
The RPM new series is indexed in RILM, ERIH PLUS, LATINDEX, and DIALNET.
For more information please contact: rpm@rpm-ns.pt
English | Portuguese | Spanish | French | Italian
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