Essay by Caio Priori-dos-Santos (CTC) in the Opus journal
The essay “The Preludes for Guitar by Villa-Lobos: Contributions to an Analytical Paradigm Approach”, authored by Caio Vitor Priori-dos-Santos, a collaborator of the Research Group for the Study of Music, Critical Theory and Communication and a doctoral fellow of the Thematic History of Music in Portugal and Brazil project, has been published in the journal Opus (v. 30, 2024).
The work of Heitor Villa-Lobos, one of the most prominent Brazilian composers of the 20th century, is the central focus of this study, which specifically analyses the structure of the 5 Preludes for Guitar, with a final emphasis on rhythmic and harmonic paradigms observed in the first 10 bars of Prelude No. 4.
The essay is available in open access and can be consulted here.