Women’s health, well-being during pregnancy and the perinatal bond: contributions from prenatal singing (Singing Womb) – BI Singing
Full-time employment contract for a First Stage Researcher (R1) – PhD candidate or equivalent. Early-stage researcher with less than 4 years FTE research experience to develop research activities related to the Research Project ” Saúde da mulher, bem-estar na gravidez e vínculo perinatal: contributos do canto pré-natal (SingingWomb)” (ref. 2022.01750.PTDC), financed by FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) in Lisbon, Portugal.
The project SINGINGWOMB will take place in Portugal (Lisbon).
The selected applicant will be integrated within the research group of the project, carrying out the tasks performed during the term of the project, with particular emphasis on
Designing and teaching breathing exercises and exercises using semi-occluded vocal tract for singing; development of audio-visual resources for voice training; use of real-time visual feedback technologies; recording and data analysis of acoustical, accelerometric and electrolaryngographic signals.
The total duration of the research contract is 12 months non-renewable. The expected starting date is 1st May 2023.
The candidate must send an application letter, including identification and contact details, accompanied by the following: (1) Curriculum Vitae, (2) certificates for both Bachelor´s Degree and Master’s Degree in Music or in Music Education (Singing) and proof of enrollment at an academic degree course (PhD) or at a course that does not award an academic degree (3) cover letter (1-2 pages max.); and, optionally (4) other complementary documents that the candidate believes are relevant to the application.
Applications should be sent by e-mail to cesem@fcsh.unl.pt, with the reference “SingingWomb– BI” in the subject line. Deadline: 14th of March
The chosen candidate will be notified via e-mail.
Researcher Profiles: First Stage Researcher (R1). Early-stage researcher with less than 4 years FTE research experience
Research fields: Music (Singing)
Number of positions available: 1. Work Locations: 1) Doctor Alfredo da Costa Maternity Hospital in Lisbon, 2) Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical (CESEM) in Lisbon and 3) Laboratory of Voice, Music and Language of the Faculty of Education at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) in Madrid
More details here.