Angelita Broock

Angelita Maria Vander Broock Schultz

Research Group
Research Hub

Angelita Broock is a professor at the “Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais” (UFMG), director of the “Centro de Musicalização Integrado” at UFMG, editor of the “Música na Educação Básica” journal (MEB) of the “Associação Brasileira de Educação Musical” (ABEM) and creator of the “Grupo Bambulha: Música para Infância”. She has doctoral degree (2013) and master degree (2009) in Music Education at the “Universidade Federal da Bahia” (UFBA), with Sandwich PhD (2012) at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles, CA, USA. She has a Music degree at “Universidade Federal do Paraná” (2004) and a specialization in Special Education at IBPEX (2006). In 2006, she created the university outreach project “Musicalização para bebês” at UFBA in Salvador, which she coordinated from 2006 to 2015. She was co-founder of the company “Canela Fina Atividades Artísticas” (2013), operating in two segments: musical group dedicated to children and school music, where she worked until 2018. In 2019, she created a university outreach project “Grupo Bambulha” at UFMG, which is a musical group dedicated to children and which integrates UFMG students and the external community. She has publications in the Musical Education area, as well as the organization of two specific books in the area of Children’s Musical Education. She organized and coordinated academic events with specific themes focused on early childhood, such as “II Seminário Brasileiro de Educação Musical Infantil” (2011) at UFBA, or “Seminário Internacional sobre Desenvolvimento Humano na Primeira Infância: Educação Musical e Musicoterapia” (2021) at UFMG, and the “Seminário Internacional de Educação Musical Infantil: A arte para a infância na perspectiva da Companhia de Música Teatral de Portugal” (2022) at UFMG. She is a researcher at the Music, Cognition and Human Development Research Group.