ARIA: Art, Rhythm, Intonaco, Analytics – An Interdisciplinary Study of King João IV’s Musical Library at Vila Viçosa

The ARIA project, led by researcher Isabel Pires, was one of the selected in the 3rd IN2PAST Exploratory Project Funding Call, 2024. This project combines a complete set of scientific and technological approaches to preserve and study the Ducal Palace’s Musical Library. By combining architectural and functional analysis, acoustic studies, characterization of musical repertory and performance conditions, the objective is to gain insights into the cultural and musical context of King João IV’s court.

The project will include advanced digital technologies to disseminate this historical site as a digital platform with interactive 3D models and interoperable searchable collections.

This interdisciplinary research seeks to fully understand the historical significance and musical richness of the Ducal Palace of Vila Viçosa, contributing to the broader fields of cultural heritage preservation and digital humanities.