‘Musicologists and Their Sources: The Alchemy of Turning Parchment into Pixels’ I COST Action Early Muse (June 2024)

From June 21 to 29, 2024, CESEM hosted eight international visitors for the Short Term Scientific Mission ‘Musicologists and Their Sources: The Alchemy of Turning Parchment into Pixels’, organised by Elsa De Luca.

This event was sponsored by the European Union through the ‘COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology’ programme, under COST Action CA21161 – A new ecosystem of early music studies (EarlyMuse).

Along with colleagues from the Early Music Studies Group at CESEM, research seminars and a guided tour of the National Library of Portugal were organised.

To read more about this Short Term Scientific Mission, click here. Below is a short video prepared by our guests.