Ornitópera by Companhia de Música Teatral wins international award for ‘Best Opera’ and ‘Public Choice’ at the YAMAwards 2024

Companhia de Música Teatral’s (CMT) performance Ornitópera was honoured with the ‘Best Opera’ award at the Young Audiences Music Awards (YAMAwards) 2024, after being nominated in the ‘Best Opera’ and ‘Best Chamber Music Ensemble’ categories. It was also distinguished with the ‘Public Choice’ award. The YAMAwards are international awards organised by Jeunesses Musicales International to identify, support and reward creativity and innovation in the field of musical productions for children. The ceremony took place in Bodø, Norway, and was attended by Helena Rodrigues, a CESEM researcher.

Ornitópera is a music theatre performance designed for the little ones and also for the adults they usually bring with them. One day, all the birds of the world gathered in a great assembly to deal with the serious problems they were all facing. It is unknown why humans were not invited, perhaps because they caused most of them. Ornitópera is a story about birds but is also a poem or a metaphor about the deepest aspects of human beings. There are no words at the beginning, no words in the middle, and even less at the end. In Ornitópera we communicate through music. The language of birds. A co-production by CMT, a structure supported by DGARTES, with the Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão and the Aveirense Theatre.

CMT’s new creation, A Liberdade a Passar Por Aqui, premieres on September 28 at the Casa das Artes in Vila Nova de Famalicão and then goes on to the Narciso Ferreira Theatre (5 October) and later to the Fábrica das Artes – CCB (October 19 to 26).

This music theatre performance is for young children (0-5) and the adults who are accompanying them. Freedom is a precious commodity that needs to be nurtured and cared for. But how do you explain or talk about it to the little ones? Perhaps with music. A Liberdade a Passar Por Aqui revisits melodies, songs, rhythms, words, ideas and stories that are part of history, and become a multifaceted and free artistic experience, an environment of enjoyment and sharing. A co-production of CMT with Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Cineteatro Louletano, and Fábrica das Artes (CCB).

Starting with music as a factor in social and human development and seeking interaction between various languages of artistic communication, CMT has built a model called ‘artistic-educational constellations’. These constellations are a link between art, education, research, creation, and community involvement. Several of CMT’s founding members and collaborators are linked to CESEM, INET-md, NOVA FCSH and the University of Aveiro.