The IN2PAST — Associated Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability, and Territory, established in 2021, is a consortium of seven research units based at NOVA FCSH, University of Évora, University of Minho, ISCTE-IUL, and University of Coimbra. IN2PAST is devoted to the study and intervention in the areas of cultural heritage, arts, and memory policies. It is supported by the development of research careers in these areas and constitutes itself as a privileged partner for state, associative, and private organizations, services, and equipment dedicated to cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible.
By joining IN2PAST, CESEM reaffirms its commitment to open and cooperative science and to the defense and promotion of cultural heritage and diversity.
Coordinating Unit
HERCULES | HERCULES Laboratory – Cultural Heritage, Studies, and Safeguarding | UÉVORA
Coordinator: António Candeias (HERCULES/UE)
Participating Units
CESEM | Sociology and Musical Aesthetics Study Centre | NOVA FCSH
CHAIA | Centre for the History of Art and Artistic Research | UÉVORA
CRIA | Centre for Research in Anthropology | ISCTE, NOVA FCSH, UCoimbra, UMinho
IHA | Art History Institute | NEW FCSH
IHC | Institute of Contemporary History | NOVA, UEVORA
Lab2PT | Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory | UMinho
Thematic Lines
TL1 – Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage
TL2 – Landscapes, Territories and Cultural Heritage
TL3 – Museums, Monuments, and their collections
TL4 – Archives – from preventive preservation to digitisation
TL5 – Cultural Circulation, Public Policies of Memory, and Inclusive Citizenship
Financed by FCT, I. P. (LA/P/0132/2020)