(NEW DEADLINE) Call for Papers International Conference: Like, share and subscribe Youtube, music and cyberculture before and after the new decade

In February 14th of 2005, Youtube was founded and grew to become the biggest online platform for video sharing. In these past 15 years, billions of audiovisual contents have been produced, shared, transformed, downloaded and consumed by billions of users worldwide, placing this website as a central hub for their daily lives while browsing the...
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Renaissance Canons Project

The Renaissance Canons website is part of a research project developed within the framework of Early Music Departament lessons at Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo (Porto/Portugal). Its goal is to provide an online resource to the students to assist their practise of didactic canons from 16th and 17h centuries through the original sources. The project is incorporated to Centro de Estudos de...
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Open call – OSSO Artistic Research Residencies

OSSO launches its artistic residency programme in Open Call format. We invite artists and practice-based researchers from all areas to submit an application. Throughout 2020-21, OSSO and its collective, reinforce their interest in transdisciplinary artistic practices which articulate and explore the notion of Territory. Residency period: May 2020 Submission deadline: 29 February 2020 Notification: 15 March 2020 +info:...
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NOVA FCSH suspended all face-to-face activities from Monday, March 16, both on the Avenida de Berna campus and at Colégio Almada Negreiros. In a statement sent today to the academic community, the director of NOVA FCSH ordered the suspension of all classroom activities, which should be replaced by distance learning. Libraries, study rooms, computer rooms,...
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Sine die Postponement Workshop in Composition

CESEM officially informs that the composition workshop has been postponed to a future date, possibly this autumn. The current situation does not allow to make exact plans about the date, but we will stay in touch as the crisis evolves. Thanks and stay safe.

Archive of Iberian Polyphony it’s online!

Archive of Iberian Polyphony it’s an open-access resource and research tool for musicologists, musicians, and interdisciplinary scholars working in the field of Iberian Studies. The Archive of Iberian Polyphony was developed under the FCT-funded research project The Anatomy of Late 15th- and Early 16th-Century Iberian Polyphonic Music, PTDC/CPC-MMU/0314/2014, directed by João Pedro d’Alvarenga and based...
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