Call for presentations for the 4th Flausino Valle String Meeting

The IV Encontro de Cordas Flausino Valle – Flausino Valle String Meeting (IV ECFV) will held from 5 to 12 September 2020 completely online. The Meeting was created by Leonardo Feichas (professor at the Universidade Federal do Acre – Ufac / doctoral student in Musical Arts at UNL and Unicamp) and by Liu Man Ying...
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Death Francesco Esposito – Researcher at NOVA FCSH (CESEM and INET-md)

Francesco Esposito (13.1.1964–20.7.2020), Italian musicologist, lived for many years in Portugal and continued to work on 19th-century Portuguese music right up to the end of his life. He graduated in Naples, his homeland, and received his PhD in Musical Sciences at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, remaining afterwards inextricably linked to the Faculty of Social...
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2020 Protest Song Meeting

  Protest Song Observatory (OCP) is an organization resulting from the partnership between the Municipality of Grândola, a promoter, the José Afonso Association, the Musical Society Fraternidade Operária Grandolense, and the institutes of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa Center for Studies in Sociology and Musical Aesthetics (CESEM),...
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Call for papers: 5th International Contemporary Piano Conference

The V Encontro Internacional de Piano Contemporâneo (5th International Contemporary Piano Conference) online edition will be held by the Music Department of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto – University of São Paulo (USP-Brazil) in partnership with the Graduate Program in Music at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG-Brazil), the...
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Cecília Valentim – III Social Aesthetics Colloquium and Museum

The Social Aesthetics Group (CNPq / USP) emerged in 2016 from the convergence of interests in the arts, especially in situations bordering the artistic field. The ideas of “artists of the social” and “arts in the social” involve the object of studies and lead to the proposition of a “social aesthetic”, following the guidelines of...
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Call for papers international conference III NEMI Meeting – 9th MUSPRES

The international conference III NEMI Meeting and 9th MUSPRES “Facing the musical premiere in the press: promotion, dissemination, reception and criticism”, jointly organized by the Research Cluster of Music in the Press (CESEM / NOVA FCSH) and the Grupo de Trabajo Música y Prensa (Sociedad Española de Musicologia), will take place on May 27-28, 2021,...
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