Cristina Cota

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Cristina Maria de Carvalho Cota was born in Lisbon. Master in Historical Musicology (NOVA FCSH). Her main domain of research is Music in the Military Orders, namely the Order of Christ, successor in Portugal of the Order of the Temple. She is the author of the book “A Música no Convento da Ordem de Cristo em Tomar (desde finais do século XV até finais do século XVIII) based on her master’s thesis, a work that revealed the musical past of this convent as an important and magnificent center of musical activity in Portugal, and also, the most complete biography and tragic end of Friar Fernando de Almeida (1604-1660), a prominent composer of the Order of Christ, based on unknown inquisitorial sources. Currently, Cristina Cota is a PhD candidate in Historical Musical Sciences (NOVA/FCSH) with a dissertation topic on music aboard Portuguese ships in the 16th to 18th centuries and the Order of Christ, with a scholarship awarded by FCT (2011-2015). She was a guest researcher for the project Artistic Heritage of the Order of Christ between the Zêzere and the Tagus (15th and 16th centuries), IPCB, IPT and IPG (SAICT-POL/23684/2016). She was an auxiliary research fellow at CESEM (NOVA FCSH), between 2008-2010 (National Museum of Music), and between 2018-2019 (CESEM). Element of the research group in Early Music Studies and CARAVELAS – Center for Studies in the History of Luso-Brazilian Music. Since 2015, she has been the general coordinator of the “Music OFM Portugal” project and online database. She is also a violinist in OCMC – Music Circle Chamber Orchestra.