Juliana Wady (UI/BD/151161/2021)

Research Group
Thematic Lines
Research Hub

Juliana Wady embarked on her academic journey in Brazil, initially studying at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). In 2016, she continued her scholarly pursuits in Historical Musicology at the University of Évora in Portugal, where she successfully obtained her undergraduate degree. Following this, she pursued a Master’s degree in Musical Sciences at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (UNL), proposing an intricate analysis of Heitor Villa-Lobos’ Cirandas through the lens of Topic Theory. Presently, Juliana Wady holds a doctoral fellowship at the same institution, as part of the Project “Thematic History of Music in Portugal and Brazil” (UI/BD/151161/2021), spearheaded by CESEM. Her doctoral research focuses on exploring the themes of modernism and nationalism within the Luso-Brazilian context. With a keen interest in these areas, Juliana Wady has actively contributed to various academic conferences and has published articles in esteemed journals across Portugal and Brazil.