Juliana Wady

Juliana Wady Lopes

Juliana Wady has started her superior education in Brazil, studying Musical Education in Universidade Estadual de Campinas. In 2016, she decided to study in Portugal and finished her graduation in Historical Musicology in Universidade de Évora. Juliana Wady then started her master’s degree in Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade Nova de Lisboa where she focused on the subject off Villa-Lobos and his Cirandas, a specific work that she is still analysing using the Topics Theory. In what concerns her investigation work, Juliana is a member of Núcleo Caravelas – CESEM, she has participated in EINEM and she has written an article in the unpublished book, Convergências musicais: gosto, identidade e mundo (eds. Paula Gomes Ribeiro, André Malhado e Zuelma Chaves). The student has also a doctoral scholarship, founded by FCT, to collaborate with the project “História Temática da Música em Portugal e no Brasil” (CESEM).