Pedro Almeida

Pedro Massano Almeida

Research Group
Thematic Lines
Research Hub

Pedro Almeida (1997) was born in Lisbon and grew up in Benavente, Portugal.
[2012-2015] Studied Artistic Production (Ceramics) at the António Arroio Artistic School.
[2015-2019] Studied Jazz Drums at the Luiz Villas-Boas Jazz School.
[2017-2020] Has a degree in Musicology from NOVA-FCSH.
During his degree, he did an internship in “Soundtrack Composition” at CESEM.
[2021-2023] Took a master’s degree in Musical Arts at NOVA-FCSH.
During master’s, he did a professional internship at the audiovisual production company TOCA. This internship resulted in her thesis: “Ecologia Acústica e Poluição Sonora no Oceano: Aplicação na composição musical para o meio audiovisual”.
[2021-2022] Took part in the international project: Itinerant Musical Composition Classes (IMCC), which included two artistic residencies in Bourges (France) and Paris (France).
[2022] Won a research grant at CESEM for the project “Portuguese Contemporary Music Groups and Composers: Preservation of Collective Heritage”. In this project he restored audio files from the digitization of magnetic tape recordings from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation archive. This work was dedicated to the recovery of live concerts recordings held in Portugal in the 1970s, promoted by programmer Madalena Perdigão, containing some of the first auditions in Portugal of works by composers such as Iánnis Xenákis.
He is the founding musician of Ossos D’Ouvido, Zazu Lab and Koshi Blu. In addition to these, has worked with various musical projects, such as: A Sul, Dela Marmy, Rita Onofre, Dela Marmy, Eunice Barbosa Quarteto, Rope Walkers, Inês Marques Lucas, among others.
Currently living in Lisbon, he is an artist, musician, composer and drum teacher. Recently became a collaborator with CESEM (Center for the Study of Sociology and Musical Aesthetics) and a member of GIMC (Contemporary Music Research Group) where, in partnership with NOVA-FCSH, works on the restoration and preservation of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s archive of magnetic tape recordings.