Júlia Durand awarded with an Honourable Mention in the IMS Outstanding Dissertation Award

Júlia Durand was awarded with 4th Honourable Mention in the International Musicological Society (IMS) Outstanding Dissertation Award 2024 for her dissertation ‘Tool, retail or wallpaper: catalogue music in online audiovisual creation’ (“Ferramenta, retalho ou papel de parede: a música de catálogo na criação audiovisual online”), Nova FCSH Lisboa (PT), 2023. The thesis was supervised by Paula Gomes-Ribeiro, also a CESEM researcher.

The winners, Devon Borowski and Francesco Milella, were followed by honourable mentions given to Giulia Accornero, Alexander Cowan and Paul Newton-Jackson.

On the committee were Paulo Ferreira de Castro (chairman), Evi Nika-Sampson, Britta Sweers, Leonardo Waisman and Fumitaka Yamauchi.