Cistercian Horizons: Collected Essays I Chapters by Alberto Medina de Seiça, Manuel Pedro Ferreira and Zuelma Chaves

Cistercian Horizons: Collected Essays, recently edited by Catarina Fernandes Barreira, Conceição Casanova and Maria Filomena Andrade, is available in open access and includes two chapters by CESEM researchers.

The chapter ‘Alcobaça and its Liturgy for St James’ by Manuel Pedro Ferreira can be found in Part II of the essay collection, ‘Liturgy and its Practice’. ‘Chant Books from Lorvão at the National Archives of Lisbon: Fragments of an Inventory’ by Alberto Medina de Seiça and Zuelma Chaves was included in the subsequent part, ‘Books and Libraries’. The book is organised into six parts.

Cistercian Horizons: Collected Essays has the support of the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM), NOVA FCSH and FCT.