The Anatomy of Late 15th- and Early 16th-Century Iberian Polyphonic Music: An Overall Analysis, Philology and Critical Editing of Surviving Repertories

The main goal of this three-year project, which was launched in June 2016, is to carry out a comprehensive analytical study of the different polyphonic repertories produced in the Iberian Peninsula in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, prior to the decisive permeation of Franco-Flemish models, which apparently became dominant in local composition of polyphonic music from the late 1520s onwards. The project aims at highlighting distinctive technical and stylistic traits and compositional processes in these repertories, exposing correlations between them, and also to consider their different genres and contexts of production, dissemination and use.

The Anatomy of Late 15th- and Early 16th-Century Iberian Polyphonic Music: An Overall Analysis, Philology and Critical Editing of Surviving Repertories is an FCT-funded project, PTDC/CPC-MMU/0314/2014, led by João Pedro d’Alvarenga and based in CESEM-Centre for the Study of Sociology and Aesthetics of Music at the Lisbon Nova University.


Project website