Call for presentations: International Symposium Alberto Nepomuceno

The Research Group “Interdisciplinary Studies in Musical Sciences”, from UFPel, CESEM-ESMAE-P. Porto and UFRJ’s PPGM Research Group “Polo Caravelas Brasil” announce the realization of the International Symposium Alberto Nepomuceno, online format, in October 15th and 16th, 2020, to mark the centenary of death of this important Brazilian composer.

The organizers and the programme committee invite proposals that address historical, musical, philosophical, or other topics of interest, linked to this composer or his historical period, with relevance to his relationship with Portugal.

Please send proposals to, with the subject ‘Submission’, by June 30, 2020. There is no registration fee. Proposals should include: name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, email, title of paper, abstract (between 400 and 500 words), bibliographic reference of up to ten entries, curriculum vitae of up to 150 words, audiovisual resources (if applicable). The summary should address the theme to be developed, the methodology and the new contributions it proposes. Oral communications will have 20 minutes of exposure.
The proposals must be original and unpublished.
Submissions can be individual or co-authored.
Each author may send a single submission.

Accepted papers will have their abstracts published in the Annals of the International Symposium Alberto Nepomuceno. The outstanding works will be published in e-book format, the guidance of which will be released later.

Event website: