Musical Iconography Nucleus Publication: Organology, Luthiers and Performance Practice in Dialogue (PT/EN)

Musical iconography is a research field that acts within a range of interdisciplinary, crosscutting, mainstreaming and priority focused musicological themes. Before musical events were photographically documented, artworks were the only source of pictorial representations of various events, and therefore crucial in assisting us with information about music history. This third volume aims to establish a close dialogue between Musical Iconography, Organology and Luthiers. Organized in three sections, this book has important contributions from Portuguese, Spanish and Italian researchers , as well as important interviews and texts regarding Portuguese Lutherie. It is noteworthy to mention the preface written by a prominent researcher, Professor Gerhard Doderer. The book is edited by Luzia Rocha and Sónia Duarte.


Musical Iconography: Organology, Luthiers and Performance Practice in Dialogue (PT/EN)