Revisiting Fernando Lopes-Graça, his life and work, his thinking, his intervention, his extensive and diverse legacy, is the purpose of this symposium. We intend to promote an attempt at a critical assessment – albeit always provisional and limited – of the multiple dimensions to be considered and which intertwine with each other. We mention, namely: the relations between tradition and modernity, center and periphery, local and universal, art and politics; the links between music, literature and the other arts; the “identity policy”; the principle of freedom in life and art – “What I bet on is freedom!” – and the attitude of resistance; unusually intense and multifaceted cultural and civic activism. Let us also add the echoes or repercussions of this legacy and the changes in perspective that it is evoking in its reception, in the light of the trends currently underway in the composition and circulation of music, at national and international levels, naturally including digital networks.

Organization: Fundação Dom Luís I, with the collaboration of CESEM – Center for the Study of Sociology and Musical Aesthetics of Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Advisory Committee: Mário Vieira de Carvalho, Paulo Ferreira de Castro and João Pedro d’Alvarenga

Coordination: Isabel de Alvarenga

Deadline for the admission of communication proposals: 15 October 2017. Deadline for consideration of proposals: 31 October 2017.

The presentation of communications should not exceed 20 minutes.

Proposals must contain the title and summary of the communication (about 250 words), be accompanied by a brief biographical note from the author (maximum 80 words) and sent to with the reference “FLG Symposium – proposal “in subject.

The official language of the symposium is Portuguese. However, communications in Spanish, French, English and Italian are accepted.

The publication of a volume, consisting of a selection of the written versions of the communications, is expected to be submitted within a period to be defined later.

See event website here