Musicologist and Researcher André Malhado Collaborates with National Press to Discuss the ‘Taylor Swift Phenomenon’

In the context of the sociocultural landscape surrounding the artist Taylor Swift in recent months, the musicologist and researcher from CESEM, André Malhado, has been playing a significant role in disseminating and analyzing this topic through the national periodic press. In this regard, he has participated in two interviews for Jornal Público and one for Jornal de Notícias, where he addresses a variety of topics involving the American singer. Among the topics discussed are the transformations in Swift’s musical style over the years, her relationship with fans, debates around her persona, political positioning, personal life, performances, and influence on the contemporary music market. These collaborations have offered a musicological analysis, yet accessible, of the “Taylor Swift phenomenon”, allowing the public a more comprehensive and informed understanding of one of the most influential artists in current popular culture. To access the interviews, follow the links below: