New article by Leonardo Feichas (MMP) on methodology in Artistic Research
‘El Ciclo Artístico-Reflexivo de Doble Verificación (CARDC) y el software Music: una herramienta metodológica en el campo de la Investigación Artística y su aplicación’ – this is an article about an ongoing project involving Leonardo Feichas, a CESEM collaborator and professor at the University of Brasilia; Carlos Henrique Costa Ribeiro, a professor at the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA); and Narayane Ribeiro Medeiros, a student at ITA.
The project combines the Reflective Artistic Double Check Cycle (CARDC, Feichas 2021; 2022) with the development of an application that uses Artificial Intelligence as a methodology for Artistic Research.
More information (and to consult the article) here.