12th Meeting ‘Music, Critical Theory and Communication’
September 27 - September 28
FreeThe 12th Meeting ‘Music, Critical Theory and Communication’ will be held at NOVA FCSH (Auditorium B2) on September 27 and 28.
The programme is organised into five thematic panels: I – Music in the digital era; II – Imaginaries of Brazilian popular music; III – Musical folds; IV – Music, culture and society in twentieth-century Portugal; V – Musical immaterialities: poetry, memory, ecology.
The keynote lecture, entitled ‘Musical Mirror of the World: The Popular Song of Brazil’, will be given by Henry Burnett. In addition to the lecture, the researcher and composer from the Federal University of São Paulo will give a recital (Saturday at 5 pm), where he will perform some of his songs and present his book. The meeting also includes a round table discussion with Paulo Ferreira de Castro and Paula Gomes-Ribeiro about ‘Callas and Her Doubles’ by João Pedro Cachopo. Click here to see the programme.
The meeting is open to the public. Everyone is welcome.