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III International Conference ‘The Portuguese Language in Music: Camões, 500 Years’

February 13 - February 15


The influence of Luís de Camões on the development of the Portuguese language and literature is both undeniable and widely recognized. Five centuries after his birth, the poet’s work remains vibrant and celebrated across the entire Portuguese-speaking world. Acknowledging this significance, the Portuguese Government has declared two years of official celebrations in honor of his quincentenary, beginning on June 10, 2024.

Caravelas – Study Group for the History of Music in Portugal and Brazil enthusiastically joins these commemorations. Camões’s life and work have inspired numerous Portuguese and Brazilian composers, resulting in a rich and diverse musical repertoire, from songs and sacred pieces to symphonic and dramatic works. This musical output not only reinforced Camões’s status as a cultural icon and national hero in both Portugal and Brazil but also contributed to the dissemination and enduring memory of his literary legacy.

In this spirit, Caravelas will dedicate the third edition of the International Congress “The Portuguese Language in Music” to Luís de Camões. The event will feature a diverse program, including over twenty presentations on the theme, as well as a commemorative concert and keynote lecture.

Click here to see the book of abstracts.


February 13
February 15


Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Colégio Almada Negreiros, Sala 209
Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Campus de Campolide
Lisboa, Please Select (only U.S. / Can / Aus) 1069-061 Portugal
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