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VI International Colloquium Arts for Childhood and Social and Human Development

Theme: Professional training for early childhood – What does GermInArte offer?
Context: The GermInArte project has conceived two immersive training cou- rses – “Jardim Interior” and “Caleidoscópio” – concerning arts for infancy. In 2016/17, short courses called “transitive training” will be added to this list. We aim to spread the idea that artistic experiences are important promoters of wellbeing since the first years in life. At the VI International Colloquium Arts for Childhood and Social and Human Development we will discuss the philosophy of the training courses and how they are related to the eclectic publication Manual para a Construção de Jardins Interiores (recently published by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian). Some special guests will enrich the debate, helping us to TransForm early childhood education through innovative formative processes.
- To contribute for human and social development since infancy.
- To design and experiment musical and artistic training addressed to theearly years.
- To qualify human resources and networks in relationship with infants.
Registration and Programm at: http://www.musicateatral.com/germinarte/