MedRen 2024 – Musical Iconography Thematic Line

From June 6th to 9th, the MedRen – Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference will take place in Granada. The CESEM’s Musical Iconography Thematic Line will be represented with a panel titled “Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Posterity: Musical-Iconographic Vibrations in Art and Music in Portugal”. This thematic session addresses various studies on musical iconography in Portugal...
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17 Jun 2024

Meeting with Science and Technology – 3-5 July – Registration open!

Registration is now open for this year’s Science 2024 meeting in Porto. The Portuguese Science Summit left Lisbon and started traveling around the country. Last year, Aveiro welcomed us. This year, we’ll be in Porto for 3 more days of this important meeting point for the scientific community. This year’s motto is +Science for Health and global well-being....
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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships – Available projects at CESEM

Expressions of interest from research units for Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowships are available on the NOVA website. CESEM is offering two projects: Children’s behavior analysis in musical-theatre pieces designed for the very young Self-regulated learning in music & teaching strategies fostering student autonomy

Inês Trindade awarded a Doctoral studentship in BROKENSONG Project, funded by ERC

Inês Nunes Trindade, mentored by Professor Elsa De Luca in the Master’s Degree in Historical Musicology at NOVA-FCSH, has been selected for a PhD scholarship to join the project BROKENSONG, coordinated by Professor Karen Desmond and funded by The European Research Council, for 4 years, starting in September 2024 at Maynooth University, Ireland.

Summer Course NOVA FCSH [Centrer Luís Krus]: Self-Regulation Strategies in Learning Practice and Teaching of Musical Instruments (by Marija Mihajlovic Pereira)

This course will be taught remotely in Portuguese, with a total of 15 hours, on July 1, 3, 8, 10, and 15, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Throughout the five sessions, the aim is to explore the theoretical foundations of self-regulated learning and its application in music teaching; reflect on empowering instrumental students...
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2 Jun 2024

Book launch by João Vaz – O órgão em Portugal no final do Antigo Regime: A obra de Frei José Marques e Silva (1782-1837) e os instrumentos do seu tempo

The CESEM and Edições Colibri present the book by João Vaz, entitled O órgão em Portugal no final do Antigo Regime: A obra de Frei José Marques e Silva (1782-1837) e os instrumentos do seu tempo, published as part of the Musicological Studies Collection. The book will be presented by Rui Vieira Nery. This book...
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