Reading and Listening to the Revolution – A performance in celebration of Freedom

In an initiative promoted by CESEM and CHAM, through literary texts, songs, testimonies, and illustrations, moments of expectation and hope were revived, and the individuals who collaborated in the construction of Democracy were remembered. Musicians: Abel Chaves (piano and direction), Sara Maia and Vera Cordeniz (vocals), João Nogueira (double bass), António Jorge Marques (flute), Rafaela...
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17 May 2024

“Music and the Idea of Heritage” – Conference by Paulo Ferreira de Castro

May 19th, 18h00 Salão Nobre do Teatro Garcia de Resende, Évora Discussion: Ana Telles Béreau (CESEM – University of Évora / IN2PAST) The problematics of music patrimonialization have not been given particular attention from a historical-conceptual point of view, even though the development of musicology is closely related to the definition of heritage and the...
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Call for the attribution of two (2) Research Initiation Scholarships – National Music Museum – deadline 28th May 2024

Applications are now open for two (2) Research Initiation Scholarship within the scope of CESEM’s strategic project – National Music Museum – (UIDP/00693/2020), financed by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC). Application Deadline: 15th May – 28th May 2024 – 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon). Application details here. First minute: PDF Second minute: PDF Third minute (Final): PDF
7 May 2024

Talk – Notes on this genre… 2

The second session theme of Notes of This Genre… will be “Fado Bicha, Vaiapraia, and Lil Nas X: Musical Provocations to Binary Constructs”, featuring Al Soares and Bruno Martins, chaired by André Malhado. In this session, we’ll delve into the musical and videographic creations of Fado Bicha, Lil Nas X, and Vaiapraia, examining how they...
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5 May 2024

Conference “Digital Technologies Applied to Music Research: Methodologies, Projects and Challenges”

[This Conference will be led in English] The ongoing digital revolution holds the potential to unveil unforeseen possibilities which could challenge and overturn traditional research methodologies and allow entirely new opportunities for music research. This conference aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue between music technology scholars and historical musicologists and to promote scholarly discussions on the...
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4 May 2024

Two Workshops on Digital Musicology

[These Workshops will be held in English]   14:00-15:30 ECHOES ( workshop on the automatic analysis of early music sources led by Elsa De Luca, Martha Thomae, and Antoine Phan 15:30–16:00 coffee break 16:00-17:15 LinkedMusic ( workshop led by Ichiro Fujinaga
4 May 2024

Research Seminar Series “Musicologists and Their Sources: The Alchemy of Turning Parchment into Pixels” (being part of the COST Action Early Muse)

[These Seminars will be held in English] 21st June, 9:30-12:45, classroom B310 (Tower B): Early Music Projects at CESEM I 9:30-9:40: Welcome 9:40-10:35: PEM – the beginning PEM (Manuel Pedro Ferreira, 15 min.) Liturgical Feasts and Rites (Alberto Medina de Seiça, Zuelma Chaves, 15 min.) MARCMUS (António Jorge Marques, 15 min.) 11:00-12:05: Neglected sources made...
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