Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships

CESEM is available to be the host institution for candidates for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships open until September 11, 2024. Applicants should present their research plan bearing in mind the scientific agenda of CESEM and its Strategic Project. Applicants should send the following documents: Work plan (of max. 500 words); CV. The application should be sent to by May 31 (email subject: MSCA 2024_Call...
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29 Apr 2024

Music Recital – Sonatas and Sonatinas / Portugal-Brazil

Sonatas and Sonatinas / Portugal-Brazil is the result of a collaboration between the Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra, the Centre for Studies in Sociology and Musical Aesthetics (CESEM) of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, and the Brazilian Embassy. The combination of flute and piano is quite curious, the differences between the two instruments are so...
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28 Apr 2024

Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM) Conference

The Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM) conference is the premiere venue for scholars engaging with digital libraries in the domain of music and musicology. It provides a forum for musicians, musicologists, librarians, and technologists to share findings and expertise. DLfM welcomes contributions related to any aspect of digital libraries and musicology, including topics related to...
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28 Apr 2024

7th Lisbon Conference: Chinese Music and Musical Instruments

The Macau Scientific and Cultural Center in Lisbon (CCCM) and the European Foundation for Chinese Music Research (CHIME), based in Leiden, Netherlands, and the Mafra Municipal Council, together with other Portuguese institutions, public and private, On the 6th and 7th of May this year, they will organize the seventh edition of Lisbon Music: Chinese Music...
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24 Apr 2024

50×25: Consolida, filho, consolida!

Ana Maria Franco, Ana Praguento and João Nogueira (Music Practice UC: World Music from the Musicology undergraduate programme) invite Pedro Branco and Marco Oliveira (and whoever else wants to join them) in a celebration of April with songs by José Mário Branco.   Pedro Branco (n.1965): voice and guitar Teacher, poet and musician. Like his...
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23 Apr 2024

Acordai! – Concert

CESEM is joining the 25th April celebrations and, together with the Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, has commissioned Sara Ross to create an original arrangement for choir and orchestra of Chico Buarque’s “Tanto Mar”. This arrangement will be premiered on the 25th of April 9 pm at the Pavilhão Paz e Amizade, Loures by...
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Call for Papers – Dossier “Ainda guardo renitente um velho cravo para mim…”: Music in Brazil and Portugal during times of dictatorship and its repercussions today

In the year marking 60 years since Brazil’s military coup and 50 years since Portugal’s Carnation Revolution, the dossier titled “Ainda guardo renitente um velho cravo para mim…” [Still, I resolutely keep an old carnation for myself…]: Music in Brazil and Portugal during times of dictatorship and its repercussions today, aims to initiate a dialogue...
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10 Apr 2024

2nd Workshop | Music and Interpretation Thematic Line

The Music and Interpretation Thematic Line at CESEM is organising its second workshop, to be held on the afternoons of 30 April and 8 May 2024. Five researchers will come together to present and discuss their ongoing work. In a hybrid format, in person but also broadcast via Zoom, this workshop is open to the...
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