Call Papers: Digital Technologies Applied to Music Research

Digital Technologies Applied to Music Research Methodologies, Projects and Challenges Join us for an insightful exploration of the intersection of digital technologies and music research. International Conference: Call For Papers  27-29 June 2024, School of Social Sciences and Humanities – NOVA University Lisbon   The ongoing digital revolution holds the potential to unveil unforeseen possibilities...
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26 Jan 2024

4th National Meeting of IN2PAST Researchers

On February 1st and 2nd, the 4th National Meeting of IN2PAST Researchers will take place in Lisbon, at NOVA FCSH, Av. de Berna. In line with the transdisciplinary vocation of our Associated Laboratory, the National Meetings promote the crossing of diverse scientific knowledge and dialog between different practices of knowledge of the past. They are...
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26 Jan 2024

Violão Brasileiro…na academia, na rua, no coração

Mădălina Petre, a researcher at CEEM, will give a concert on January 31, featuring repertoire that is part of her current research project – Jazz Elements in the Brazilian Classical Guitar repertoire) 2019-present. Special guest: Juninho Ibituruna Where? Casa do Comum – Bairro Alto, Rua da Rosa 285. January 31st, at 9:30PM

Call for papers: International Congress of Artistic Education ​

O Congresso Internacional de Educação Artística 2024, organizado pelo Governo Regional da Madeira e operacionalizado pelo Conservatório – Escola Profissional das Artes da Madeira em parceria com a Direção de Serviços de Educação Artística da Direção Regional de Educação, está agendado para os dias 4, 5 e 6 de setembro de 2024. As inscrições já estão...
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14 Dec 2023

1st Symposium of the Music in the Modern Period Research Group

On January 19th and 20th 2024, the1st Symposium of the GMPM – Research Group on Music in the Modern Period of CESEM – will be held at the Almada Negreiros College. This is a mixed event, with face-to-face and online participation, organized by the group’s coordinators and aimed primarily at sharing research, both individual and...
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Get to know the new volume of Contemporary Music Review, “Experimental Approaches in Portuguese Music Theatre”, edited by Filipa Magalhães

The special issue “Experimental Approaches in Portuguese Music Theatre” from Contemporary Music Review, Volume 42, Issue 2 (2023), edited by researcher Filipa Magalhães, has been published: This new edition, dedicated to the narratives of Portuguese music theatre, aims to fill a gap that has long been identified and is related to the non-representation of this performance genre...
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11 Dec 2023

‘Human ancestral remais: scientific, technological and ethical perspectives’. Case studies from the neolithic to WWI

Reconstructing the past by studying human remains requires balance between science, ethics and technology, and greater responsibility in the process of curating and preserving this heritage. CRIA researcher Francisca Alves Cardoso will speak about these and other related issues on December 14th, at 5 pm, in Évora, at the second meeting of the ‘IN2PAST PhD...
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Call for papers: 4º Encontro Nacional do Laboratório Associado IN2PAST 2024

Na senda da vocação transdisciplinar do nosso laboratório associado, os Encontros Nacionais promovem o cruzamento de saberes científicos diversos e o diálogo entre diferentes práticas de conhecimento do passado. São também uma oportunidade única para os cerca de 340 investigadores doutorados integrados das sete unidades de investigação que constituem o IN2PAST se conhecerem. E o fórum...
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4 Dec 2023

“Researching fin-de-siècle Parisian theatre with music” by Tommaso Sabbatini

No âmbito do projecto “Mágica: research problems of a 19th century Luso-Brazilian music-theatre genre”, terá lugar no próximo dia 13 de Dezembro, às 18h, na sala B309, uma conferência pelo Prof. Tommaso Sabbatini intitulada ‘Researching fin-de-siècle Parisian theatre with music’.    Tommaso Sabbatini is a music historian specializing in nineteenth-century French theatre. He is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie...
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