Ângela Flores Baltazar is a PhD candidate in Musical Sciences at NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities, with a research scholarship from FCT (2023.05001.BD). Born in Torres Vedras, she began her artistic studies at the Conservatory Luís António Maldonado Rodrigues and continued violin practice at the National Superior Academy of Orchestra. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Musical Sciences in 2018 at NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities with a merit scholarship funded by the Manuel António da Mota Foundation. In 2023, she completed her Master’s degree at the same institution, with a dissertation entitled “The Youth Symphony Orchestra – professionalization and musical dissemination from 1973 to 1989”. Her musicological research specializes in the historical and sociological study of the second half of the 20th century in Portugal, focusing on democratization, decentralization, and cultural distinction. She contributes to scientific dissemination through presentations and publications nationally and internationally. Experienced in music editing with Finale and Sibelius Software, she collaborated with institutions such as CESEM, AVA Editions, and Teatro do Eléctrico for music transcription and editorial review. As a violinist, she is a member of the Orquestra Sinfónica de Loures and the Orquestra Didáctica da Foco Musical, teaching violin at the Academia de Música de Telheiras since 2015. She performed in the play “Carta” by Mónica Calle at the Teatro Nacional Dona Maria II in January 2021. She served as musical director of the Associação Cultural Casa Cheia between 2015 and 2022, composing soundscapes for theatre productions, especially with electronic music. Additionally, she worked in the Sacred Music Service of São Roque as an executive producer.