Filipa Cruz

Filipa Moniz Brazete Cruz


Filipa Cruz is a first year student of the Masters in Musicology (Historical musicology) provided by FCSH/UNL. Prior to her academic degrees, Filipa finished her 8 year music course at Academia de Música e Belas Artes Luísa Todi, in Setúbal. Having completed her B.A. in Musicology in FCSH in 2016, she is now a member of the Group of Critical Theory and Communication of CESEM, as well as a collaborator in SociMus (Group of Advanced Studies in Sociology of Music) and in Cysmus (Group of Advanced Studies in Music and Ciberculture), in which she participates as the recepient of a research scholarship.  At the moment, her chronological period of interest is the 20th century, and her central topic of study has been the relationship between music and philosophy, as well as the notions of intertextuality and intermediality between music and other artistic domains that derive from it.