Inês Nunes Trindade, born in Covilhã, enrolled the BA Degree in Musical Sciences at NOVA-FCSH in 2019, which she finished as an Erasmus+ student at the University of Padua, in Italy, in 2022. During her academic career, she volunteered at the National Music Museum, at the National Pantheon and did a curricular internship at the Computer Music Laboratory, at CESEM, under the supervision of Professor Isabel Pires.
In 2022, Inês was awarded a research initiation scholarship (FCT), in the CONCHA Project, at CHAM – Centro de Humanidades, under the supervision of Dr Patrícia Carvalho. Later, she joined the Early Music Study Group, at CESEM, as a collaborator in the project “The Musical Manuscripts of the Belém Monastery” (PI Océane Boudeau) and, in 2023, as a research fellow (FCT), in the project “Lost and found texts and voices. Recover, reconstitute and recreate musical fragments (c.1100-c.1600)” (PI João Pedro d’Alvarenga), for 12 months. In addition, in August of the same year, Inês had the opportunity to carry out a scientific expedition to the Department of Music, at the University of Bratislava, in Slovakia, under the supervision of Professor Eva Veselovská, financed by EarlyMuse – COST Action.
In July 2024 she defended her MA Dissertation in Historical Musicology “Antífonas de Comunhão: Identidade Litúrgica e Musical nas Fontes Bracarenses do séc. XII ao séc. XVII”, at NOVA-FCSH, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Elsa De Luca.
Currently Inês is member of the project ‘Echoes from the Past: Unveiling a Lost Soundscape with Digital Analysis’ (PI Elsa De Luca). She was awarded with a doctoral studentship in Maynooth University, Ireland (ERC Grant, 2024-28), as part of Professor Karen Desmond’s research team working on the project ‘Polyphonic Singing and Communities of Music Writing in Medieval Britain and Ireland, c. 1150 to c. 1350’ (BROKENSONG).