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JORGE GRAÇA’s research is focused on the intersections between Community Music and Specialized Music Teaching. He obtained his master’s degree in Music Teaching (Saxophone) at the University of Aveiro (2016). He taught Saxophone, Chamber Music and Electronic Music at the David de Sousa’s Music Conservatorium in Figueira da Foz from 2014 until 2020. In the area of Ethnomusicology, he collaborated with the process of registering Cantar os Reis of Ovar in the national intangible heritage matrix, in tandem with other researchers from INET-md (University of Aveiro). In the same research unit, he participated in part of the Hidden Archives Hidden Practices project, which sought to collect knowledge about community artistic practices in Portugal, such as Poliphonic Women Singing from the S. Pedro do Sul. He’s a saxophonist and composer and has toured the country with the Noscalla Saxophone Quartet, of which he is a founding member. Currently he focuses on solo electronic music projects and technology-mediated performance. In 2022 he launched the first album of his project Fauxclore, named “Canta Ceifeira”. He has been collaborating with Companhia de Música Teatral in artistic and educational projects such as Poemário, Pianoscópio, O Céu por Cima de Cá, Aguário and Canção da Terra.
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