José Maria Pedrosa d’Abreu Cardoso (1942-2021)
Born in Guimarães, he studied Musical Education and Teaching with Edgar Willems and Jos Wuytack, Choral Direction with Michel Corboz and Pierre Salzmann, he studied Piano General Course at the Oporto Conservatory of Music, was one of the first graduates in Musicology at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and obtained the doctoral degree in Historical Musicology by the University of Coimbra, where he did the aggregation in the same scientific area. From January 1987 until 1989, he accumulated his teaching at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the National Conservatory with the position of assessor to João de Freitas Branco in the artistic direction and production of the National Theater of S. Carlos. He has participated actively in symposia and congresses of Musicology, writing in journals of the specialty. He is the author of:
– O Teatro Nacional de S. Carlos – Guia de Visita, APEM, 1991;
– Fundo Musical da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, Lisboa, 1995;
– Carlos Seixas, de Coimbra (coord. and autor): Ano Seixas. Exposição Documental. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 2004;
– O canto da Paixão nos séculos XVI e XVII: A singularidade portuguesa. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 2006;
– Cerimonial da Capela Real: Um manual litúrgico de D. Maria de Portugal (1538-1577) Princesa de Parma. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda / Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2008;
– História Breve da Música Ocidental. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 2010;
– O Passionário Polifónico de Guimarães (The Guimarães Polyphonic Passionary). Guimarães: SMS, 2013.
He programmed and was artistic director of the Festival of Religious Music of Guimarães, during the holy week. Retired by UC, he was honored by the Municipality of Lagos, having received the Municipal Gold Medal of Merit for the services rendered to the city, within the musical culture, for 40 years.