Sofia Bôrras is a saxophonist and music teacher, specialised in teaching saxophone. She obtained her Degree in Saxophone (Performance), in 2019, at the University of Aveiro and later completed her Master’s Degree in Music Teaching, in 2021, at the same institution, where she carried out a research on Emotional Intelligence applied to Musical Performance. She is currently concluding her Master’s Degree in the Teaching of Musical Education in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences.
During her training she has taken part in numerous workshops and masterclasses, where she has worked with various saxophonists and pedagogues, including Vincent David, Kenneth Tse, Nicolas Prost, Ties Mellema, Ottis Murphy, Mario Marzi, Niels Bijl, Quatour Morphing, Gerard McChrystal, Henrique Portovedo, Fernando Ramos, Ricardo Pires and Mário Marques. Her most notable collaborations were with the world première of Eurico Carrapatoso’s ‘Linhagem’ and with the Orquestra Filarmonia das Beiras, at the opening concert of the 8th Summer Choirs Festival, held at the CCB.
Throughout her career, she has endeavoured to insert herself transversally into the most diverse artistic and educational contexts, not only by taking part in performance events, but also by teaching saxophone and musical expression, particularly for early childhood. In the educational field, it is worth highlighting the materialisation of her project on Emotional Intelligence applied to Performance in the form of a workshop for professional and non-professional musicians, which she has already had the opportunity to present at the University of Aveiro, in collaboration with the AAUAv – Music Students’ Centre of the University of Aveiro; at the 7th Music Congress “In the Clouds” (“Nas Nuvens”); and at the II Cycle of Lectures, promoted by the Ílhavo Band Music Academy.