Vinícius de Aguiar

Research Group
Thematic Lines

Vinicius de Aguiar studied musicology and philosophy. He is currently an FCT Junior Researcher at CESEM (Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical), NOVA-FCSH. In 2023, he was awarded a Junior Researcher position within the scope of the CEEC—Stimulus for Individual Scientific Employment (6th Edition), for the project titled Your Song: Epistemological Foundations of Music Recommender Systems (2023.08394.CEECIND), funded by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. In his current project, Vinicius analyzes AI in music through the lens of philosophical aesthetics, philosophy of technology, and media theory. More broadly, his research interests include the interplays between aesthetics and artifacts, techniques, and technologies in music.

Scholarship / Contract Reference