Full member without a PhD
Zuelma Chaves is a Ph.D. Candidate in Historical Musicology, at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities – Nova University of Lisbon (FCSH/NOVA), having been awarded a Doctoral Grant by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. She completed the 8th grade in piano at the Escola Profissional de Música de Almada and concluded her degree in Musicology at (FCSH/NOVA). As an Erasmus Exchange student she studied at Complutense University, Madrid, with Cristina Bordas Ibañez. Under the supervision of Manuel Pedro Ferreira she completed a Master’s degree in Musicology at FCSH/NOVA with a dissertation entitled “The Office of the Dead in Portugal: The monophonic repertoire in Portuguese sources up to c. 1700”.
She is a researcher at CESEM (Centre for Studies in Musical Sociology and Aesthetics) and member of the Early Music group. Her main areas of interest are the study of early music (plainchant, codicology and musical palaeography), organology and terminology.
Since 2010 she has collaborated in several projects at CESEM mainly related to music collections, digitalization of manuscripts, description of musical manuscripts and musical instruments.