Ana Isabel Pereira

Research Group
Thematic Lines

Born in Lisbon, Ana Isabel Pereira has a PhD in Musicology, specialising in Music Teaching and Psychology, from the University of Lisbon. She has been an assistant professor at NOVA FCSH since 2023 and an invited adjunct professor at the Lisbon School of Education – Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon since 2015. She completed her Master’s in Teaching Music Education in Basic Education at NOVA FCSH (in 2014) and her degree in Environmental Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico – University of Lisbon (in 1999). She has been a member of CESEM since 2014, taking over the coordination of the Education and Human Development Group in 2021 and the position of Executive Secretary in 2023. She has participated in several international conferences, such as ICMPC, ISME, MERYC, ISAME, APSCOM and national ones such as ENIM. Her main research interests include the study of musical learning and development and the assessment of vocal performance in children.