Maria Teresa Neto Projecto
Maria Teresa Projecto is an artist and researcher. She completed her PhD in Fine Arts at the University of Lisbon in 2023, with a dissertation on the concept of the sublime and the notion of artistic representation. She is an Adjunct Professor at the IPLUSO School of Communication, Innovation and Arts and a Collaborating Researcher at the Centre for the Study of Sociology and Musical Aesthetics (CESEM), where she is an active member of the Critical Theory and Communication cluster and the Music and Interpretation Line, as well as the Centre for Research and Studies in Fine Arts (CIEBA), where she is a member of the Painting cluster. Her theoretical and artistic research focuses on the relationship between aesthetics, art and politics, through art theory, philosophy, critical theory and performance studies, with a focus on the notions of representation, interpretation, and recently under the lens of post-colonialism and decoloniality. She is the author of several translations (Georges Bataille, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Pascal Quignard), including the latest book by philosopher Nidesh Lawtoo «Homo Mimeticus. A New Theory of Imitation» (Sistema Solar/Documenta, in press). With a grant from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, she took part in editing and maintaining the work of Portuguese writer Maria Gabriela Llansol (2012-2016). She is currently preparing a monograph entitled “Painting time: chasing the sublime, still?”, based on her doctoral dissertation. As an artist, she maintains a practice that crosses visual arts and musical-theatrical performance. As a lyric singer (mezzo-soprano) and performer, she regularly participates in performances and collaborates with renowned national and international cultural institutions. As an opera singer, her career encopasses the creation of hybrid shows or expanded and experimental opera.