Maria Teresa Projecto

Research Group
Thematic Lines
Research Hub

Maria Teresa Projecto is an artist and researcher. She has earned a PhD in Fine Arts from the University of Lisbon in 2023 with a dissertation on the concept of the sublime and artistic representation. As a researcher, she is an active member of the «Music and Thought» and the «Music and Interpretation» clusters, both at the Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM), and of the «Painting» Cluster at the Centre for the Investigation and Studies of the Fine Arts (CIEBA). She has recently designed the syllabus for two units (Research Methodologies in Art and Thinking the Image) in a new MA program at IPLUSO.

She has translated several French authors into Portuguese, such as Georges Bataille, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Pascal Quignard. Under a grant from Fundação Calouste Gulbekian, she has participated in the maintenance and edition of the archives of Portuguese writer Maria Gabriela Llansol (2012–2016).

She has showcased in several group and solo exhibitions as a visual artist.

As a lyrical singer (mezzo-soprano) and a performer, she has taken part in several performances and worked under many renowned conductors, and has perfected her vocal technique and interpretation skills with different specialists, such as Jill Feldman, Geert Berghs, Marina Viotti, John Pickering, Eleonora Pacetti and Ramon Theobald. Recent performances include a recital dedicated to Manuel de Falla on Portuguese national radio Antena 2, accompanied by piansit Tiago Mileu («Serenata Andaluza», 2022), and the co-creation of «Salomé» (2023) by Mónica Calle, premiered in the national theatre of São João.

She is currently completing a monograph titled «Painting Time: Chasing the Sublime, still?», based on her PhD thesis, and preparing a postdoctoral research on the philosopher Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe’s aesthetics.