CESEM Researcher Conference, Luzia Rocha: AZULEJOS AND MUSIC
October 18th, 2017 | 18h00 | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa | room 5.2
Luzia Rocha, guest of the AzLab #31, is one of the most renowned Portuguese researchers in the area of musical iconography. In her doctoral thesis she explored the music in Baroque azulejos, theme of the next AzLab, in which she proposes a renewed perspective on this period of the history of Portuguese azulejo, through its many and interesting musical representations.
Invited speaker:
Luzia Rocha [Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical (CESEM) | Instituto de História da Arte, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IHA-FCSH/UNL) | Az-Rede de Investigação em Azulejo (ARTIS-IHA/FLUL)]