Lap Music – Musical Orientations for Parents with Babies and Children I LaMCI – CESEM training program
Lap Music – Musical Orientations for Parents with Babies and Children is a training programme offered by the Laboratory of Music and Communication for Children (LaMCI) designed for parents, babies, and children. These sessions provide an opportunity to share parenting experiences and enrich children’s musical imagination.
The training program, led by António Rodrigues and Fernanda Lopes, will occur on Saturdays from 7 September 2024 to 28 June 2025 at Colégio Almada Negreiros (NOVA FCSH, Campolide Campus). The monthly fee is 50 euros, and enrollment costs 30 euros.
The Lap Music sessions focus on the interaction between parents and their babies or children in a dynamic musical and interpersonal environment. These sessions incorporate diverse musical languages and interdisciplinary activities that seek to celebrate affection and establish bridges of communication between parents and children through the discovery of the musicality of emotions. These training program offer a range of music and movement experiences similar to mother tongue acquisition, as advocated by Edwin Gordon and his musical learning theory. In this journey, where the body embraces and gets involved in music, the singing voice, as a ‘natural’ instrument, has a leading role in communicating with babies and children.
To grow musically in the company of a group is to be embraced by its culture, to be and to belong.
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