Pessoas cursando

“The voice in movement: music, health and well-being” I Free Long Term Course

“The voice in movement: music, health and well-being” will begin on September 18 and end on May 7, 2025. The course will be taught on Wednesdays from 6 pm to 9 pm by Cecília Valentim (lecturer) and Helena Rodrigues (head lecturer).

The purpose of this course is to practice and understand singing as an experience that promotes self-knowledge, the expansion of sensibility, and a sense of belonging. The course starts from the lived experience to reflect on the interconnection between singing, expressive movement, and the feeling of well-being at the interface with psychology in the context of somatic psychology and art.

During the course, participants will be invited to explore their voice integrated with body movements, individually and collectively, develop active listening, and experiment with singing as a resource for expression and connection with themselves and others. They will also reflect on the importance of singing as a therapeutic practice that promotes well-being, self-knowledge and a sense of belonging to a group. The importance of artistic expression through singing will be emphasized as a way of strengthening self-esteem, confidence, empathy, creativity, respect for differences and the sharing of sensibility.

By the end of the course, it is hoped that participants have broadened their perception of themselves and of the therapeutic effect of singing, as well as acquiring the practical resources to integrate it into their daily practice as a path to self-care, personal development and connection with others in their daily community life.

For more information, visit the NOVA FCSH website.