Poster by Eduarda Carvalho (EHD) honoured at the IX Encontro Ser Bebé

The poster “SINGINGWOMB: Contributos do canto pré-natal”, produced as part of the dissemination of the project SingingWomb – Women’s health, well-being in pregnancy and perinatal bonding: contributions of prenatal singing, funded by FCT (2022.01750.PTDC), was awarded the prize for best poster at the IX Encontro Ser Bebé – Ser Bebé no Mundo em Mudança, organised by the Associação Ser Bebé – Portuguese Association for Early Childhood Mental Health, in partnership with AEPEA-Portugal.

The event that honoured the work of Eduarda Carvalho (Education and Human Development Group) and her team occurred between 29 and 30 November at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon.