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PhD in clinical psychology (FP-UL, 2012), music therapist certified by the Portuguese Music Therapy Association (APMT), Post-Doctoral fellow at CESEM (2015 – 2018) and integrated researcher at CESEM (since 2019), founder and coordinator of the “Line of the Therapeutic Effects of Music” at CESEM. Guest lecturer in the master’s degree in music therapy at Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (since 2006), in the Postgraduate Course in Music in Childhood – Intervention and Research (NOVA-FCSH, since 2020), in the Postgraduate Course in Neurosciences of Music (Catholic University of Lisbon, since 2021) and in the Master Artistic Creation – specialization in music therapy at Université Paris Descartes (since 2015). IR of the exploratory project “Women’s health, well-being during pregnancy and perinatal bonding: contributions from maternal singing – SingingWomb” (2022. 01750.PTDC). Main areas of scientific interest: beginnings of communicative musicality through microanalysis studies of maternal voice (speech and singing) in fetal behavior and preterm infants, clinical trials of music therapy in perinatal and neonatal care. Author of 19 peer-reviewed articles, 2 books and 10 book chapters.