TISMIR special collection – Digital Musicology I Call for papers until June 30 [new date]

This special collection serves as a platform for an interdisciplinary dialogue between music technology and musicology, promoting scholarly discussions on the application and usability of digital technologies to enhance music research, and capturing contemporary trends and emerging directions in digital musicology scholarship.

It is simultaneously inspired by the recent “Digital Technologies Applied to Music Research Conference: Methodologies, Projects and Challenges” (Lisbon, 06.2024), alongside reflections and consolidation celebrating a decade of contributions from the international Digital Libraries for Musicology conference (DLfM), which held its first event in London in September 2014.

Guest editors include:

  • Elsa De Luca (lead). Researcher at CESEM-IN2PAST, NOVA University Lisbon.
  • Ichiro Fujinaga. Professor at McGill University.
  • David Lewis. Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London.
  • Kevin Page. Senior Researcher and Associate Faculty at the University of Oxford e-Research Centre.
  • Martha Thomae. Post-doctoral researcher at CESEM-IN2PAST, NOVA University Lisbon.

The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2025. More information here.